Winter 2024 Singles results

Results13th - 15th DecWeek 7No. 7
Class 1 (6-11)WinnerIan Crofton (10)24 pts
Class 2 (12 -14)WinnerJohn Carew (12)28 pts
Class 3 (15-26)WinnerTommy O'Rourke (17)30 pts
Non Prize Winner ClassWinnerJohn Slevin (15)25 pts
Runner-UpMichael Connolly (14)24 ptsLast 6
42 Entries & 19 Re-entries
Golfer of LeagueSean Byrne29pts
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints13th - 15th DecNo. 7
1st(10pts)Tommy O'Rourke (17)30 pts
2nd(9pts)John Carew (12)28 pts
3rd(8pts)John Slevin (15)25 pts
4th(7pts)Michael Connolly (14)24 ptsLast 6
5th(6pts)Tom Bryan (17)24 ptsLast 6
6th(5pts)Sean Byrne (18)24 ptsLast 1
7th(4pts)Sean Lavin (16)24 ptsLast 6
8th(3pts)Ian Crofton (10)24 pts
9th(2pts)Jim Craughwell (14)23 ptsLast 6
10th(1pt)John Crofton (15)23 ptsLast 6
Results6th - 8th DecWeek 6No. 6
Class 1 (3-12)WinnerPadraic Rooney (10)26 pts
Class 2 (13 - 25)WinnerSean O'Drona (14)25 ptsLast 6
52 Entries
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints6th - 8th DecNo. 6
1st(10pts)Padraic Rooney (10)26 pts
2nd(9pts)Sean O'Drona (14)25 ptsLast 6
3rd(8pts)Sean Byrne (17)25 pts
4th(7pts)Michael Connolly (13)23 ptsLast 6
5th(6pts)Lar Blanchfield (11)23 pts
6th(5pts)John Crofton (14)23 pts
7th(4pts)David Felton (16)22 ptsLast 6
8th(3pts)Jim Craughwell (13)22 ptsLast 6
9th(2pts)Martin Kealy (12)22 pts
10th(1pt)Tommy O'Rourke (16)21 pts
Results29th Nov - 1st DecWeek 5No. 5
Class 1 (5-10)WinnerJP Holligan (9)22 pts
Class 2 (11 - 14)WinnerMark Beatty (14)27 pts
Class 3 (15-24)WinnerDaire O Broin (15)24 ptsLast 6
71 Entries
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints29th Nov - 1st DecNo. 5
1st(10pts)Mark Beatty (14)27 pts
2nd(9pts)Jim Craughwell (12)26 pts
3rd(8pts)Daire O Broin (15)24 ptsLast 6
4th(7pts)Pa Connolly (15)24 ptsLast 6
5th(6pts)Sean Byrne (16)24 ptsLast 2r
6th(5pts)Sean Lavin (15)24 pts
7th(4pts)John Crofton (13)23 ptsLast 3
8th(3pts)Barry McKenna (16)23 ptsLast 6
9th(2pts)Michael Connolly (12)23 ptsLast 3
10th(1pt)Tommy O'Rourke (15)23 pts
Results22nd - 24th NovemberWeek 4No. 4
Class 1 (1-10)WinnerSeamus Carew (10)19 ptsLast 6
Class 2 (11 - 13)WinnerJP Holligan (13)23 pts
Class 3 (14 - 25)Winner Anthony Dunne (14)23pts
61 Entries
Please check scores Call Seamus if any queries ASAP 089 9623209
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints22nd - 24th NovNo 4
1st(10pts) Anthony Dunne (14)23ptsLast 3
2nd(9pts)JP Holligan (13)23 pts
3rd(8pts)Peter Connolly (16)22 pts
4th(7pts)David Felton (14)21 ptsLast 6
5th(6pts)Sean Byrne (15)21 pts
6th(5pts)Michael Connolly (11)20 ptsLast 3
7th(4pts)Felic McKenna (16)20 pts
8th(3pts)Seamus Carew (10)19 ptsLast 6
9th(2pts)Tommy O'Rourke (14)19 ptsLast 3
10th(1pt)James Malone (8)19 pts
Results15 - 17 NovemberWeek 3No. 3
Class 1 (1-9)Winner Niall Bryan (8)23pts
Class 2 (10 - 13)WinnerPaddy Murray (13)22 ptsLast 1
Class 3 (14-25)WinnerSean McCann (14)22 pts*Toss coin
Runner-upTed Murray (14)22 pts
75 Entries*matching scores on Countback
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints15th - 17th NovNo 3
1st(10pts) Niall Bryan (8)23pts
2nd(9pts)Sean McCann (14)22 ptsToss coin
3rd(8pts)Ted Murray (14)22 pts
4th(7pts)Paddy Murray (13)22 ptsLast 1
5th(6pts)Anthony Dunne (13)22 ptsLast 6
6th(5pts)Niall Collins (4)22 pts
7th(4pts)Sean Byrne (14)20 pts
8th(3pts)Sean Lavin (13)19 ptsLast 6
9th(2pts)Pa Connolly (13)19 ptsLast 6
10th(1pt)Matt Costello (9)19 ptsLast 3
Results08 - 10 NovemberWeek 2No. 2
Class 1 (3-9)WinnerBrian O'Connell (7)24 pts
Runner-upBrian Conlon (3)21 pts
Class 2 (10 - 12)WinnerTommy Carew (12)20 pts
Runner-upMartin Meaney (10)19 ptsLast 1
Class 3 (13-24)WinnerWilliam Lacey (15)26 pts
Runner-upSean O'Drona (13)25 pts
94 Entries
Top Ten Winter LeaguePoints8th - 10th NovNo 2
1st(10pts)William Lacey (15)26 pts
2nd(9pts)Sean O'Drona (13)25 pts
3rd(8pts)Brian O'Connell (7)24 pts
4th(7pts)Brian Conlon (3)21 ptsLast 6
5th(6pts)Sean McCann (13)21 ptsLast 6
6th(5pts)John Kelly (16)21 ptsLast 3
7th(4pts)Paddy Costello (13)21 pts
8th(3pts)Ian Crofton (7)20 ptsLast 6
9th(2pts)Tommy Carew (12)20 pts
10th(1pt)Niall Bryan (7)19 ptsLast 6
Results01 - 03 NovemberWeek 1No. 1
Class 1 (0 - 20.5)WinnerMaurice Byrne24 pts (8)
Runner UpBrian Conlon21 pts (5)
Class 2 (20.6 to 27.2)WinnerJames Malone21 pts (10)
Runner UpMartin Meaney21 pts (9)
Class 3 (27.3 upwards)WinnerRonan Rigney21 pts (21)
Runner UpPat Corrigan21 pts (16)
51 Played 36 Re-entries
Top TenPoints
1st(10pts)Maurice Byrne24 pts (8)Class 1 Winner
2nd(9pts)Brian Conlon21 pts (5)Class 1 Runner-Up
3rd(8pts)Ronan Rigney21 pts (21)Class 3 Winner
4th(7pts)Pat Corrigan21 pts (16)Class 3 Runner-Up
5th(6pts)James Malone21 pts (10)Class 2 Winner
6th(5pts)Tommy O'Rourke21 pts (14)
7th(4pts)Martin Meaney21 pts (9)Class 2 Runner-Up
8th(3pts)Brian O'Connell20 pts (6)
9th(2pts)Niall Collins20 pts (2)
10th(1pt)John Kelly20 pts (15)
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